To create logo design, on this page we will use the drawing and editing tools available on the site to create a professional logo, and also allow the maximum use of the program and make use of all its capabilities.
Logo design in one or two languages
By changing the font type you can switch from Arabic to English, but as a facilitator we have added the company name in English to create a bilingual logo if you like. Or to do the logo only in one language Arabic and English, and to navigate between the two interfaces can use the buttons shown on the right, which you find available at the bottom of the screen in the interface adjustment of the logo.
Do not forget to visit our free logos page or choose any of the logos available on this page and start working on them and apply the instructions available here.
Changing the company name style
As shown in the previous figure, you can control the name of the company as if you are in Word, you can change the font name or type of writing, and also zoom in and zoom out the word, and add some simple effects such as adding a line under the word, and make it heavier or italic, and also there is a trend
Recent Logo Designs
And control the angle of rotation of the floor to fit the shape of the design, and there are many other commands fall under the command “Alignment and vertical and horizontal reflection” in which commands control the position of the word inside the design from the far right to the left or from the top of the screen down, and also make a vertical or horizontal reflection of the word
As for the color of the company name, there are many commands that can be used to serve the idea of the logo and show it properly, these commands are available under the color icon in the console name logo.
After clicking on the shape of the color will appear next window to add some important effects on the logo, you can use the settings described to add a shadow of the word, and do not forget to change the color until the final shape appears as shown.
It is also possible to use other features such as adding an external font to the word and also controlling the transparency or color intensity of the company name.